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Welcome to our new website!
Broadhembury C of E Primary School

School Aims/Ethos

School Vision, Aims and Ethos
On this page you will find the whole school Vision, Ethos and Mission Statements as well as the school aims that the governors and school staff work towards.
The children have their own aims which link to our Behaviour Policy. These are called the Broadhembury Bridge Aims and you will also see below how these link with our Core Christian Value of Love and the other Christian Values that we base our worship programme on.

Jubilee Federation Vision Statement

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire"

(St Catherine of Siena) 

As a federation we reviewed our Vision during the Autumn Term of 2018. We decided to launch the new vision statement with children and parents with a special event across the federation. During the launch week the children were immersed in some very special activities to help them to understand what the vision statement means and how it can impact on their lives. The week was so special that we created a celebratory booklet showing many of the activities the children and parents took part in.

We also found a Worship Song called 'Set the World on Fire' which we feel links well to our vision statement.

Vision Launch Week

To begin the new year, the children and staff of Broadhembury came together to launch our brand new vision statement which we believe should be in our hearts and minds each and every day at school - 'Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire' St Catherine of Siena. 

We talked about the statement and what it really meant to us, that each one of us has a passion, talent or skill that God gave us for a special reason, these are all different as we are all individuals and we can use these to 'set the world on fire' by sharing them and helping others. The children were lucky enough to receive a wristband with our new vision statement on to remind them every day, which they were very excited about!

Throughout the day, the children worked together with children of all ages to do a variety of activities to celebrate the new vision and understand it further.

The children learnt a special song 'Set The World On Fire' by Britt Nicole, with actions. This talks about following your dreams and using God's strength and power to do good for others. They also created a beautiful textile representation of St Catherine and her life using lots of different materials which now hangs in our collective worship area.

It was important to us that the children understood why St Catherine said 'Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire' and the life that she led in accordance with this. The children learnt about her lifestyle, using her gifts of helping those in need and serving others and linked many of her lifestyle choices to bible verses: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10. 

St Catherine compared her faith in God to a sunflower 'since its gaze is ever fixed above and turned towards the glorious sun of divine truth' so the children talked about this and decided to plant their own sunflower seed to watch it grow in the Summer as a sign of their faith in God. The children enjoyed planting the seed and are excited to see them grow.

As this is a whole-school vision, we invited parents to share in our day. At the end of the day, the children performed their new song and told the parents all about St Catherine. They also had the chance to enjoy a delicious 'flame cupcake' made by the children to remind us to 'set the world on fire' with our talents!

page1image3048 Our Core Values
Our values are the foundation stones of our behaviour. So from our Christian Values come the Broadhembury Bridge Aims, which guide us in how we should behave at Broadhembury CE Primary School and at home. Our values are an important part of what makes our school a happy and safe place to learn. We learn about one value in more detail each half term in Collective Worship, but we hold onto all the values all the time and express them in different ways in our school, in our learning and in our lives.
The Values for Life that we think about in worship are all based on the central value, LOVE, which is described in Colossians Ch 3, v12-15 as 'binding all the other values together in perfect unity'.

Mental Health at Broadhembury

The children in class two have been thinking about their mental health. In discussion with their class teacher the children aim to achieve their '10 a day' (pictured) which encourage us to make balanced choices towards our mental health each day. These can be things such as talking about our feelings, drinking more water, sharing time with a friend or getting some exercise.

Each day, class 2 decide which of their '10 a day' they have achieved and make note of this in their mental health diary with an aim to focusing on those they don't do each day and how they can include these more for a healthy mind.