Welcome to Broadhembury Church of England Primary School
Welcome to Broadhembury Church of England Primary School
Broadhembury C of E Primary School

SEND Information

At Broadhembury C of E Primary we accept that all children are individuals and that for various reasons many children may need support at some time in school, whether for a few months or for their whole time at school. We aim to identify every child’s needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning that will enable all individuals to succeed and be happy in school. Where necessary we work with a range of professionals such as Speech & Language Therapists or Educational Psychologists to ensure we are matching our provision to the needs of the child. Support may be given in school by both a teacher and a teaching assistant and it is very important that we work with you, the family too. We strive to ensure that no child is invisible and is fully included in all we do.
In the first instance it is always best to speak to the class teacher if you have a concern.

Our named special educational needs coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Catherine Haynes, who is also the Link Academy Trust Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Lead (TSENDL). Please ask at the office should you wish to make an appointment to meet with her. All our staff support our inclusive ethos and regularly attend training.
The SENDCo can be contacted about existing matters related to SEND at adminbroadhembury@thelink.academy
For details about our school's admission arrangements, including those for children with special educational needs, please see our Admissions policy which can be viewed under the Key Information tab at the top.